Google CES 2020

Just steps outside of the fluorescent lights and endless booths in the Las Vegas Convention Center, Google built a different kind of CES experience for the hundreds of thousands of tech fans, innovators, and early adopters at this year’s electronics conference. Inside the two story experience, visitors found new toys — both hardware and software — that integrated with the Google Assistant platform.

From connected cars and TVs, down to video game controllers and coffee machines, the lower level showcased all of the ways Google Assistant can make your life easier. Upstairs, guests experienced a real world demo of the platform, and then — because it’s Google — guests could slide down one of 4 brightly colored 30 foot slides into an enormous ball pit. After exiting the ball pit, guests were immediately greeted with a high frame rate burst video of their experience, shared directly to their Google Photos account.

In a convention full of throwaway branded swag and tote bags, Smilebooth was happy to provide lasting and sharable memories for over 3000 guests.

Sunday Roast

Sunday Roast is an Award Winning full-service brand and web
design agency, partnering with purpose-driven entrepreneurs,
not-for-profits and businesses to create positive change in
the world.


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